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Moving home? what you should consider leaving for your buyers

Writer: Home Sweet Home Home Sweet Home

Here are a few items to consider leaving for the new homeowners:

Appliances:  This one is usually something that is written in the sale since appliances are a large expense; I don’t know about you, but moving these large items seems more of a pain to me, and I would leave them behind.

Extra Paint: The last time I sold a house was when I made sure to leave the paint that we used around the house.  You don’t have to leave full tins behind, but maybe small jars in case the new homeowners want to do some future touch-ups. 

Extra Tiles/Flooring: Same idea as the paint, if you have extra tiles or pieces of flooring, it only makes sense to leave them with the house.  You never know when you might break a single tile and have to replace it, or if the new homeowners will be doing some renovations and want to patch gaps in their floors.

Window Coverings: This is probably the item people leave the most when they sell their homes (other than appliances), so they are often written as part of the sale.  I would definitely leave any blinds since window sizes vary so much and they probably won’t fit in your future house, but curtains are a bit easier to move around, so might bring those.

Landscaping: Maybe you did a couple of curb appeal projects in order to sell your house?  Well, you certainly shouldn’t dig up the plants and take them with you!  If someone bought your house, and you wanted to keep a random tree or flower for your next yard, it had better be understood that they are not part of the sale (but again, it seems like it would be more of a hassle to me).

Installed Décor: This means light fixtures, furniture built-ins, doors, fireplaces, etc.  Similar to landscaping, all these hard-wired items should stay with the house!  Not only would removing them be a big pain to you, but also create a big headache for the future homeowners.  They would now have to replace something they weren’t intending do or even do some renovations they might not want (if you removed built-ins).  Basically, however your house was set up when they viewed it prior to purchasing, is how it should remain!  (With the exception of your personal stuff, obviously).

Instruction Manuals/Warranty Info: Since you’re leaving your appliances, it makes sense to leave the instruction manuals too.  Same goes for any documents you have on the furnace, air conditioner, hot water tank, whatever!  Some warranties may also be transferable to different homeowners, so that’s a nice thing to leave (and wouldn’t help you anyway).

Basic Living Items: By this I mean, spare the new homeowners a roll of toilet paper or two!  I would also leave any garbage or recycling bins, because why take them!?  Same thing goes for plungers, toilet brushes, etc… once moved into a house in winter and the seller had removed all of the lightbulbs! can you imagine? its getting dark early you are stressed from moving then have to dash out to buy some bulbs just so you can see......

Maybe you’re moving from a house to an apartment (or a large house to a smaller one). 

Do you need to keep your lawn mowers, barbecue, furniture, etc? 

Make sure to list additional items that you’ll be leaving in the listing, it might even help sway some potential buyers! 

You can always sell or donate those extra items ahead of time, just don’t be that seller and leave everything for the new homeowners without warning!



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